I am a website developer with 7 years of commercial experience in PHP, Perl and MySQ, working on a Linux / Apache web server platform. I also have front end skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, Photoshop etc.
[login to view URL] - An image gallery system, enabling artists to set up their own website via an easy to use content management system. The system has been built using PHP, MySQL, CSS and has extensive use of Apache mod_rewrite to create search engine friendly and user friendly URLs. Some sites using this system:
[login to view URL]
[login to view URL]
[login to view URL]
An earlier, custom made portfolio website is [login to view URL]
[login to view URL] - A website for an author of a children's book. It features members' area with an interactive treasure hunt, built in PHP and MySQL and using Flash.
[login to view URL] - Website for the publisher of the above book.
[login to view URL] - I have been doing ongoing back-end development work on this site, mostly in the members' area so not visible unless you're a member, including installing a forum, developing a content management system, creating an email to members' system, an online course booking system...
[login to view URL] - General portfolio website for my business (which needs updating).
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