I am a dedicated and pretty talented graphic designer, photographer, and writer. I can do almost any creative task set before me. I need a little extra income now that I am having a baby.
Basic data entry including excel, Quickbooks, Frontpage, Photoshop, and other basic Microsoft programs. Occasional design and web page maintainence.
apr., 2010 - Til stede
14 år, 6 måneder
Cerritos College
2011 - 2012
1 år
Graphic Design
2011 - 2012
1 år
Computer Design
Regional Occupational Program
Regional Occupational Program class teaching basic graphic designing using computer programs with an emphasis on advertising and marketing. Some projects included CD graphics designing, advertisement flyers, and basic web pages.
Retail Marketing
Regional Occupational Services
Regional Occupational Services classes teaching the fundamentals of Retail Marketing with an emphasis on the creative process.
Graphic Design
Regional Occupational Program
Regional Occupational Program classes teaching basic Graphic design.
Not yet available
Not yet available
Not yet available
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