www.deathincampdelta.com - Trailer Page for Documentary Film

af solveigmarianes
www.deathincampdelta.com - Trailer Page for Documentary Film
www.deathincampdelta.com - Trailer Page for Documentary Film

Made with iWeb. Design based on movie poster. My client wanted a simple web page to preview the trailer for his upcoming documentary film. He provided me with the domain details, the trailer file, texts and images, and the site was up and running within three days.

image of username solveigmarianes Flag of Norway Oslo, Norway

Om mig

Are you a web newbie who needs a simple, good looking website? Perhaps you don't have the time to do it yourself? Or maybe you just can't be bothered? I can have your site up and running (almost) yesterday for an affordable price. I'm a self taught web enthusiast who finance business school by freelancing. I started my sole proprietorship in 2009 and will take on a variety of tasks and projects, such as: - Creating web pages - Web publishing - Transcribing - Data entry - Proofreading (Norwegian or English)

$35 USD/t