Photo Video Creator

af bsrcom
Photo Video Creator

Create your album,Photos,Images in video/MP4 format. It is very difficult to arrange thousand of Images into sdcard or storage. So we are developing this application for our easy use.Make a video using many images and photo with background music/theme.Thousands of memory images are stored into a video so you can show them in slid show view.It will save your customize photos into video format in sdCard. So it is easy to share with your friends or circles many images into a video format. It is easy to use and user friendly.Anyone can make their images/photo into video so easily and fast.all videos will show in Created Slide in Manu screen.Follow instructions in app and do the best enjoy save the memorable events easily.

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Om mig

development for [Android, iPhone, iPad, iPod, BlackBerry and Windows Phone][websites,CMS,Wordpress] Developers & Engineers : Android: 4(min 2 year experience) ios : 3 (min 1 year experiences) Web : 5 (min 2/3 years experiences) Graphics : 1 (completed study on design) Tester : self test is the best. process: Agile,XP testing: monkey,test case,class diagram platform: java,objective-c,php,mysql,cms convention: Global or international java doc

$25 USD/t

27 bedømmelser
