Freelancer: Leugim83
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Polizia 3rd Proposal

Ciao! Here is my 3rd proposal, the final with a simplified design of your mascot, So I hope you like it. Any changes are welcome. Grazie.

Konkurrenceindlæg #27 for                                                 Redraw our mascot

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • ivanmarcialis
    • 8 år siden

    Hi! The first is the same to #25 but have a problem in the jacket :) pls for correction you can see a comment in #25 .
    In the simplified design, very important for me, I need any correction:
    - Cloak: Has any problem in the collar, you can try to remove the collar of cloak;
    - Jacket: Pls replace buttons and belt details, remove badge;
    - Shoes: redraw it more similar at original;
    - Face: in this version I don't like mouth, you can try more smiling and more down, eyes, You can fit only one point but more little, maybe I prefer if you can try to redraw it more similar at original;
    - Base: Replace it;
    - Colours: If you can pls try in three versions, all black, all blue and with a original colours.

    Thank you for your job!

    • 8 år siden
    1. Leugim83
      • 8 år siden

      Ok I'm working on... Thanks for the feed back

      • 8 år siden
    2. Leugim83
      • 8 år siden

      Please #40 Thanks

      • 8 år siden