Freelancer: Ghazal243
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The term “growth hacking” has become quite a buzzword over the past few years, referring to non-traditional digital marketing strategies to ensure rapid growth. Many startups use these types of techniques to guarantee a quick penetration in the market. 1.Users naturally talk to their friends about the products they use and recommend. But you can also give them a little push to get the wheels turning. How? By creating an incentive system for recommendations. Everyone likes getting “freebies”, so all you have to do is offer a discount coupon or free shipping in exchange for telling their friends. 2. Instagram is a great platform to gain traction when you sell online and are a new brand in the marketplace. Find a few hashtags you can gain traction around and then gear your content to fit the content being shared around those hashtags. Be sure to include those hashtags in your story posts too. By doing so, you’ll become part of a larger story around. The link in your bio can drive people

Konkurrenceindlæg #3 for                                                 Marketing plan for my business. Help me to work out a meaningful project description. NO SEO

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  • sbTechnik
    • 5 år siden

    video in use: already ask about that, but producing that kind of videos is very expensive, bcause you need actors (instead of animation)

    • 5 år siden
    1. Ghazal243
      • 5 år siden

      And yes ik i asked about making a candid video, but now for your budget these simple kind animated videos really work alot, if you have already made any would you please sharing the link? Because if you haven't made one then it could be a problem, i saw a video of that product interval timer explaining video, but that's a specific "product" video not your site video. People don't really online sites unless they are introduced somewhere via commercials.

      • 5 år siden
    2. Ghazal243
      • 5 år siden

      another great example here martial arts benefits are shown, where a group of girls are trying to bully another girl but see what happens

      • 5 år siden
  • sbTechnik
    • 5 år siden

    offline contact: unfortunatelly I do not have the time to do that very much. e.g. go on fair is to expesive and I do not have the time (not yet)

    • 5 år siden
    1. Ghazal243
      • 5 år siden

      also have plenty of business cards to giveaway wherever you happen to be. And if you have a car you have a chance to market your business offline. Begin by getting a magnetic sign that attaches to the sides and rear of your car. By using your car, you get to advertise in unusual places, such as in the parking lot of your competitor, especially if you happen to have legitimate business nearby. Similarly, you can turn roads and crowded parking lots, you expose your brand and your website URL to people you might never otherwise reach.

      • 5 år siden
    2. Ghazal243
      • 5 år siden

      this can save your time but only if you are willing to attach things on your car..

      • 5 år siden
  • sbTechnik
    • 5 år siden

    quality of product description: Are they ok on my webshop ?

    • 5 år siden
    1. Ghazal243
      • 5 år siden

      "Martial Arts is a great way to improve your fitness, working every muscle in your body, punching is great for your arms backs and Shoulders, kicking is great for toning and strengthening the backs and front of your legs" etc and for fat people "It can burn up to 800 calories per hour that’s double most other types of exercise, this is why people choose martial arts to lose weight." So basically my point is attracting people to this sport too like both boxing and Martial Arts because definitely not all the people who visit your site must be athlete, so these kinds of comments always help them know their value

      • 5 år siden
    2. Ghazal243
      • 5 år siden

      these are not to be written in description part of the product, just at the top corner of a product page, and a different comment everytime they open a page. The benefits of these sports could be written on a seperate page too but nowadays people are so busy no one spends time in reading paragraphs lol, so small comments would work.

      • 5 år siden
  • sbTechnik
    • 5 år siden

    positiv review from influencer: how to get it ?

    • 5 år siden
    1. Ghazal243
      • 5 år siden

      Everyone on Instagram has that friend or knows someone from their hometown, who is really popular on Instagram and has the ability to gain thousands of likes and comments in minutes. Nano-influencers are ordinary people who have as few as 1,000 followers and are keen to advertise products or services on social media. Their lack of fame is their very asset which makes them more relatable and trustworthy compared to the more popular influencers in their industry.

      • 5 år siden
    2. Ghazal243
      • 5 år siden

      For small businesses, nano-influencers are a great opportunity to increase your brand exposure and purchase intentions amongst a highly engaged audience. Small businesses can find these new age influencers by researching the most popular hashtags in their niche..According to Instagram’s internal data, the 400 million users who watch Instagram stories are so engaged that brands see a 75% completion rate on their content.In short, when you partner with an influencer, ask them to post on their Instagram story instead of an actual post, or both if they’re offering the other for free. It will be a bit cheaper compared to their asking price for a traditional post and your target audience are more likely to see it.

      • 5 år siden
  • sbTechnik
    • 5 år siden

    My goal in this contest is not to get common support, I would like to get a specific plan how to move on. Many thanks. Stefan

    • 5 år siden
  • sbTechnik
    • 5 år siden

    Hello Ghazal, thanks for your comments and your entry. About your entry: Instagram, Pinterest, Reddit, ... yes, I could elarge my social presence, but the problem is to create reports with good and new contest. Do you have any concrete suggestions how to get good and new contest?

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    14. Add Buyable Pins on Your Pinterest Board. In case you don’t know, Pinterest already offers a mobile shopping feature using buyable pins. This makes having a Pinterest account for your e-commerce website a more attractive option for marketing.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    13. Get your products featured or listed. It’s especially difficult to get sales when you have a practically unknown product. Previously, it would take a lot of time and a huge dent on your budget in order to get them noticed but, nowadays, there are platforms that can help you get your products out there without breaking your bank. Check out online sites that you can submit your products to and get them featured.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    12. Advertise on Reddit. Reddit’s community is a viable source of new customers that’s within your reach and with the right strategy, you can drive new sales to your e-commerce business easily.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    11. Improve Product Visibility with 'Google Shopping'. This is a must-have marketing channel for any e-commerce company. Why? Well, there are many reasons but, most importantly, because there is an intent to buy, the customer is looking for the product you are selling. Google displays the image and price of the product, which makes your ads more appealing to the potential buyers. It is really simple to start marketing using Google shopping with just a one-time setup and you only pay when the buyer clicks on your ad.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    10. I know we’re talking e-commerce here, but a great omnichannel strategy uses all the tools at its disposal. If you have brick-and-mortar locations, you can get customers clicking to your website when they conduct a local search. Successful omni-commerce attracts the customer to your website, moves them into your stores, and then sends them right back online.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    9. Use your social media channels and email newsletter to give your social media followers and current customers fun deals they can get excited about.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    8. The quality of the description can often make or break the chances of a sale, particularly if it doesn’t provide the customer with all the information they require to make the decision to purchase. All products have a specific purpose or function. You need to convey this in a way that illustrates how it will improve or enhance the customer’s quality of life. If you help customers envision owning the product, they will be more likely to buy it.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    7. When creating a marketing strategy for your e-commerce product, think offline too. Do you have access to your target market in-person? If so, make a connection with them face-to-face first. Consider distributing promotional products like pens or pencils with your information and URL on it to be sure potential customers can find your site.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    6. Find Influencers Who Support Small Businesses.The right social media influencers can provide a small business with positive reviews of their product online. If the influencer is respected within the industry and popular among the target audience, this authentic endorsement will garner even more engaging conversations about the brand on popular channels like Instagram or Facebook. Influencer marketing can become a cost-effective marketing technique for businesses of all sizes.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    5. While product demo videos are still a good idea for showing people how to use a product, another great type of video to use is a more candid usage video. This is where you just show the product being used without any of the explanation on how to use it. It’s great for products that are associated with action like bikes or other sporting equipment. It’s a bonus if you can get actual professionals to use the products while you make a candid video of them using those products. These videos are great for sharing on social media like Instagram Stories, especially if the video has some good action in it.

    • 5 år siden
  • Ghazal243
    • 5 år siden

    tools like the SHOPPABLE feature on Planoly can help make selling from Instagram easier. 3. Tailored email marketing to our main clients, general email lists and to individuals a marketing tool we rely on to build relationships. Avoid lengthy emails. 4. How will you get your customers to keep coming back? You can do this by providing a specific competitive advantage that your competitors aren’t able to provide. It can be lower prices, higher service, additional bonuses and so on. Being able to personalize specifically to each of your customers spurs positive relationships. What happens when you get very satisfied customers? They share it on their social media.

    • 5 år siden

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