Pencil or Pen & Ink Illustration

af Woolsey
Pencil or Pen & Ink Illustration
Pencil or Pen & Ink Illustration
Pencil or Pen & Ink Illustration
Pencil or Pen & Ink Illustration
Pencil or Pen & Ink Illustration

Illustration. All done with graphite pencils. I can do anything from quick sketch to very detailed illustrations. Graphite is reflective so these do not show all the detail the original art shows.

image of username Woolsey Flag of United States Leslie, United States

Om mig

I have knowledge in both traditional fine art as well as a degree in graphics which makes me a great candidate for your project. I worked for 5 years as a Prepress Production Artist for Magnet LLC a leading print company in the industry. This experience brought my creativity together with understanding of all print procedures. I freelanced with Legacy Inc.(graphic design and logo creations). My previous employment was sales so I also have excellent communication skills which is extremely helpful in creating the perfect end product. In my spare time I enjoy creating murals & paintings for private clients as well. Thank you for taking the time to read my profile and I look forward to working with you soon...........Manuela

$30 USD/t

8 bedømmelser
