Dhamdhoom - The Complete Entertainment Portal

af VinayJaga
Dhamdhoom - The Complete Entertainment Portal

Dhamdhoom-The Complete Entertainment portal, has been developed in php, mysql, Jquery and Ajax. This portal has been developed with latest technologies. It has various modules; each module has its own functionality and technology. News module as webservice from various news media websites and Live streaming tamil news from tamil media website is available. Photo Gallery, Video Gallery modules using lightbox has been developed. SMS module, music module, Ebooks, Online games, Story time, Health care and still more and more modules. http://www.dhamdhoom.com

image of username VinayJaga Flag of India Chennai, India

Om mig

We the a small indian team, look out all projects in a more creative and deliver the project in a more professional way. We have a very good skillful dotnet and php developers. We deliver in a timely manner. We help you to promote your business. We deliver what you think since we read your mind more better.

$12 USD/t

1 bedømmelser
