We are a young company with offices in India and US looking for challenging assignments in Microsoft technology. We can help you with technical architecture, product development and programming. Collectively we have more than 30 years of IT experience. The principals have worked in multi-national companies in India, US and UK. You can expect a very professional long-term relationship.
Sample profile of one of the principals
• More than nine years of total experience in pre-sales, solutions architect and development roles. More than six years in developing products for the financial industry.
• Management experience includes setting up development and support processes; and managing onsite and offshore implementation teams.
• Leadership experience includes assessing staff skill levels, delegating work, directing team in specific project activities, estimation, and facilitating career development
• Hands on experience with latest Microsoft technologies and relational databases.
• Knowledge of Agile Methodologies such as Extreme Programming (XP) & Scrum
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