Natural Cafe

af SilvinaCouto
Natural Cafe
Natural Cafe
Natural Cafe

This is a piece of freelance branding work I’ve done for Natural Cafe, in Covent Garden. The brief was to come up with a brand alongside the whole in-store furniture graphics for a cafe. The selling point was its natural and organic products from responsible sources in the confection of sandwiches, juices, cafe, ice-creams, etc. The logo represents an amalgam of all natural vegetables and fruits and the pictures were used for the website and represent the moment after the food was consumed. It was such good food that there was no time even for a picture. The materials I’ve designed included in-store billboards, outside and inside signage, menus, website, mugs, stickers, etc.

image of username SilvinaCouto Flag of United Kingdom London, United Kingdom

Om mig

$20 USD/t

