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$8 USD / Time
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India (2:56 AM)
Tilmeldt november 9, 2006
$8 USD / Time
Our company has been producing commercial websites since 1998, mainly for small businesses in India and abroad. Word of mouth recommendations led to the expansion of the business. The company's current client database includes businesses throughout the US, Europe, UK as well as India. We offer a no nonsense approach to what is a complex yet vitally important area of activity for any commercial business. With our extensive design experience we will customize your website to suit the needs of your customers. We will look closely at how best to convey the essence of your business, the most appropriate layout of the site, ease of navigation and usage of and balance between graphics and text. In other words, we won't just give you a site based on simple, common templates which is what the average web design company will offer you, thus making your site unimpressive and similar to many others on the Web. We use the latest design software and are meticulous in our crafting of a site in order to ensure its marketability. We do not believe in being technically clever just for the sake of it. Rationality of purpose for a client's site is always uppermost in our minds. Sites utilising frames, for example, may look a little more impressive but do not register as well on some of the key search engines and can be difficult to log in a browser's Favourites list or Bookmarks folder (eg. Netscape). Complex Java scripting and animations, again initially impressive perhaps, can and do cause pages to load more slowly risking a potential customer 'clicking away' onto another site in preference to yours. We only use such devices in sites where they have an important, functional role to play relative to the product/service being marketed. To summarise, our basic philosophy is to create the kind of website that most businesses want .... Easy to find, stylish and appealing, quick loading and easy to navigate.
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