Simplement Magazine - Sample Magazine Cover

af rickyruto
Simplement Magazine - Sample Magazine Cover

Simplement Magazine would be directed toward people who are interested in tasteful interior design. After taking the picture of a sitting room I used a color scheme that complimented the background image and kept the fonts elegant yet simple to keep inline with the idea of tasteful design.

image of username rickyruto Flag of Kenya Nairobi, Kenya

Om mig

I've worked as a freelance graphic and web designer since 2007. My career began in Toronto, thereafter I moved to Ottawa and most recently I've moved to Nairobi, Kenya and have started a small web and graphic design company. My approach to graphic and web design can be summed up in one word; 'simplicity.' I believe that form and functionality can be created in tandem without the sacrifice of either therefore if that is the kind of design that you are looking for feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time.

$30 USD/t

