Sabre Solutions

af OChristie
Sabre Solutions

Using my skills in C# and ASP.NET (ADO.NET) I developed a secure licensing system for Developers to directly integrate. I currently work on this part time or when people request it. The company also covers requests for specific software and is successful in its field of expertise. As a company, we have been delivering Industry and Private Software Solutions for 2 Years. From Basic Licensing Solutions to Complex Payment and Financial Services that are currently undergoing development, we try to customise our abilities to your needs. Starting out at a young age, when it comes to software, was an obvious choice, it helped me focus on a great goal in life, to provide a service to anybody that needed it at an affordable price. Sabre Solutions will always cater to the needs of others and their companies so that we can always provide a Professional, Safe and Revolutionary service in no time at all.

image of username OChristie Flag of United Kingdom London, United Kingdom

Om mig

As an experienced team player, due to my previous career in the Royal Marines and my other careers in various branches of HM Forces, combined with my ever-expanding skillset and ability to pick up practical and technical skills quickly, I believe that I would be a key player in an already successful and growing company. I believe that, combining my passion for IT, Communications, Technology and Discipline along with my love for this country and a fast paced lifestyle make me best suited to this particular Job. I believe I could offer a young but well-motivated individual with high levels of discipline and an urge to excel at everything me as an individual or as part of a team attempts. I am dedicated, hard-working and key asset to any team that requires my personal skill set.

$50 USD/t