Teamwork- I'm very comfortable to working in a group or a lot numbers of workmate.
Microsoft- I'm very familiar with Words , Power Point and Excel from Microsoft. Besides that, I also familiar with Tableu data visualization.
Editing software- For example Imovie and VN software I usually use settled up my works.
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Junior Sales Promoter
mar., 2022 - okt., 2022
7 måneder
Al-Ikhsan Sports
mar., 2022 - okt., 2022
7 måneder
During my tenure at a prominent retail establishment, namely Al Ikhsan Sports, I had the privilege of gaining invaluable experience in various aspects of the retail industry. This encompassed a wide range of fields, including marketing strategies, understanding customer behavior, and optimizing shop lot layouts. The extensive training and exposure provided by Al Ikhsan Sports proved instrumental in augmenting my knowledge and skills as a promoter.
mar., 2022 - okt., 2022
7 måneder
Universiti Teknologi MARA
2019 - 2022
3 år
Diploma in Business Studies
2019 - 2022
3 år
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