BlackBerry App Development

af mindriderstech
BlackBerry App Development

Mind Riders Technology has been in the realm of BlackBerry app development since 2009, the first time when BlackBerry opened its doors for third party application developers. After our tremendous success with iPhone development, the case for BlackBerry was no different either. Today, We Are one of the most talented BlackBerry app development teams in the industry. Our BlackBerry application developers are highly experienced and have thorough understanding of BlackBerry enterprise servers, BlackBerry JDE, BlackBerry Widget SKD, BlackBerry Runtime APIs, and similar technologies that are essential for creating a successful BlackBerry application. The BlackBerry platform, though highly popular, is a little different from other smartphone platforms in that its primary appeal has so far been among the business people.

image of username mindriderstech Flag of India Basmath, India

Om mig

You're here on the grounds that you have an amazing application idea, you've made the first step, so well done. We need to get notification from you. We can help you plan and create your application guaranteeing its both excellent and instinctive. Mobile app development is an expert subject, so by conversing with us, you know you're conversing with the masters. Development Area: 1) Applications - iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android, Titanium, Phonegap - design, cocoa, cocoa-touch, objective-c - Facebook, Twitter - Google Map Service, Foursquare - CoreData, CoreGraphics, Animation - Web Service, Ajax, XML, JSON, RSS, SOAP, WSDL - MySQL, SQLite, HTML5, PHP, JSP 2) Games - Cocos2D, OpenGL, Corona, Unity3D - Box2D, Chipmunk - Game Center, In-App Purchase, Multiplayer Game - iAd, Adwirl, Admob, Chartboost, TapJoy, Cerebro - Flurry, Testflight Best Regards, Mind Riders Technology. Skype: mind_riders

$15 USD/t

