Software Development, Data entry, Data Proccessing
$10 USD / Time
Turkey (3:16 PM)
Tilmeldt november 29, 2007
$10 USD / Time
I have been working in the software world since 1996. I worked as a software specialist at first and then as an administrator in many companies. I am currently developing applications as a freelance worker .
I can also interesting some data entry, data proccessing projects.
I am fastidious, disciplined while working. I have the experience and necessary equipment related to my work. My recent project is Inventory Counting software which is working on Android terminal and pc.
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Ingen anbefalinger at se her!
Software department manager
feb., 2015 - jan., 2019
3 år, 11 måneder
Casio Turkey
feb., 2015 - jan., 2019
3 år, 11 måneder
I've managed software team who has developing mobile software for electricity distributor companies, National Railway company and many goverment institution
feb., 2015 - jan., 2019
3 år, 11 måneder
Presales and Software department manager
dec., 2006 - jan., 2015
8 år, 1 måned
Merit Group (Alcatel LucenPartner)
dec., 2006 - jan., 2015
8 år, 1 måned
I have been Implemented ALU callcenter solution to Customer . And I've developed middleware applications for customer between customer's CRM infrastructure and ALU CallCenter solution
dec., 2006 - jan., 2015
8 år, 1 måned
R&D Manager
dec., 2000 - sep., 2006
5 år, 9 måneder
Voxtron Turkey
dec., 2000 - sep., 2006
5 år, 9 måneder
same with my previous company. But This time we were implementing Callcenter application. Call Center application included IVR solution.
dec., 2000 - sep., 2006
5 år, 9 måneder
Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
1992 - 1996
4 år
1992 - 1996
4 år
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