I have always been in love with graphics of all kinds, thats why i have always wanted to work in it. I have been using Adobe Photoshop sice it was 5.0 and now I work on CS3. I also have picked up schetching skills over the years, and have tried all forms of art that I could get my hands on. Adobe flash was my second graphics program that i learned well, I have been using it for about 2 years now. Flash was something I picked up when my friend and I worked on a project for 6 months and have been working with it for 3 years now. i have been doing many small time projects for some time now and I belive I can now work on much bigger things. I have a saying if my client is not happy I will not charge not for the work I did or the idea I was working on its my clients right to keep it and use the idea as they please.
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