Lego Castle

af jay192
Lego Castle

This is one of the many Lego projects that I have completed for my own amusement and to be used in future lego projects. Each piece is made individually and each piece has its studs just like a REAL lego piece. Several Parts are rigged and prep for animation. Ink and Paint Was used and fire effects are also included.

image of username jay192 Flag of Australia QLD, Australia

Om mig

I graduated from Griffith University over a year with a Bachelor of Digital Media Major in Games Design. I have a Diploma of Graphic Design and a Certificate 4 in Screen Production. For the past two years I have been working on several TV shows including a animated TV Show. For quite some time I have been freelancing as a Graphic Design a Video Editor and a DVD Authorer. I now have CS6 ADOBE MASTER COLLECTION.

$25 USD/t

