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$25 USD / Time
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Poland (5:07 PM)
Tilmeldt august 28, 2006
$25 USD / Time
We are software house specializing in developing IT solutions for business. We provide professional services related with development of dedicated software, as well as IT consulting services at affordable prices for small and medium companies all over the world. We specialize in providing professional services concerning: * Java/J2EE development - we specialize in developing large distributed scalable solutions for business. * Adobe Flex/AIR development - we develop RIA applications with Java/Red5 backend. We specialize in providing enterprise class solutions based on J2EE technology with sophisticated user interface based on AJAX and Adobe Flex/AIR technology. Our specialists possess practical knowledge of the technologies and experience obtained in the field of the J2EE architecture based solutions: * application servers: JBoss, BEA WebLogic, Apache Geronimo, Apache Tomcat, * technologies: EJB, JNDI, JMX, JMS, JDBC, JavaMail, JAAS, RMI, JDO, JCR, JPA, JTA, * Web technologies: JSP, JSF, Struts, Stripes, AJAX, * Ruby on Rails * integration with Adobe Flash, streaming audio/video: Red5, Flex Data Services, LiveCycle Data Services, Blaze DS, * Web Services: JAX-RPC - Apache Axis, XFire, SOAP, * technologie XML : XSLT, XSL-FO, XPath, XQuery, JAXB, * Spring Framework, Hibernate, XDoclet, Quartz, Velocity, * JFC Swing , Eclipse Rich Client Platform, * ESRI, MapObjects We specialize in developing Adobe Flex/AIR applications, we have experience in following technologies: * MVC frameworks: Cairngorm, Glenmore; * Red5, LiveCycle Data Services, Blaze DS, AMFPHP; * Audio/video streaming : Red5; * Audio processing: ffmpeg; * Asterisk - VoIP-SIP integration Please check our grapesoftware com website for more details.
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