Inventory management Software

af coder87
Inventory management Software

1. Online base Inventory management software 2. All type of report facility, product price control facility . 3. updated many features ....................................... ........................................ URL: user: admin pass:123456 If you need anything more by viewing this site Just write me on forum section

image of username coder87 Flag of Bangladesh Tangail, Bangladesh

Om mig

Hy, Thanks so much for viewing my profile. I want to make a long time relationship by providing you the best quality and it's my promise -I will not spoil your valuable time. As a individual contractor I am showing my working resources here briefly that's way you can find me easily. Experience In: E commerce website building, Template developing , Database Design & Integration, Web site building(Static & Dynamic Both), Web programming, Plugin Developing and Integrating, Inventory management software making Language: HTML, CSS , PHP, JQuery, JavaScript, C, C++,Java Enviroment: Joomla,Wordpress,Magento,ZenCart,Presta shop Database:MYSQL

$5 USD/t

