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Syed Imran R.



Software Company doing work in all fields, from social media marketing to the web/mobile solutions.

$10 USD / Time
Flag for
Pakistan (1:29 AM)
Tilmeldt marts 22, 2014
$10 USD / Time
We are Working in all field of Project Management, IT, related to Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing, Web Development, Wordpress, HTML and also Major Focus on Mobile development specially android development.
Ændringer gemt
5.0 · 1 Review
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Excellent worker. I would definitely like to work with again.
Tyrel T.
Flag for
Auckland, Australia
11 år siden
Brug Avatar.
@BeyoundCreation won the contest on 4 June 2014
Jawhar B.
Flag for
Stegen, Tunisia
11 år siden
Article Writing for International Students
feb., 2011 - maj, 2015
4 år, 3 måneder
Stark Solutions Pakistan
feb., 2011 - maj, 2015
4 år, 3 måneder
Excellent Writing for all students, including UK, US, Dubai, Pakistan, India and Saudi Arabia etc.....
feb., 2011 - maj, 2015
4 år, 3 måneder
Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology
2014 - 2015
1 år
MS in Project Management
Flag for
2014 - 2015
1 år
International Islamic University
2010 - 2014
4 år
Bachelor in Business Administration Information Technology Management
Flag for
2010 - 2014
4 år
excellent Content Wrtitter
Dubai Student Advisor
excellent in content writing, including writing essays, article, projects, thesis, research papers etc.
Entrepreneur Trainer
IIUI Pakistan
That certificate was about the entrepreneurship.
Marketing Planner
NESCON Pakistan
This certification was about the best marketing planner.
Quality factors affecting construction industry project success
Journal of Project Management
The research paper named Quality factors affecting construction industry project success also have sent for publication.
Organizational factors affecting Construction industry projects success
Journal of Project Management
The research paper named Organizational factors affecting Construction industry projects success have been sent for publication.
Til tiden
100 %
Indenfor budgettet
100 %
Accept andel
67 %
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