Create a app

Lukket Opslået Sep 22, 2014 Betalt ved levering
Lukket Betalt ved levering

Budget planner for students

Android iPhone Mobile App Development PHP

Projekt ID: #6489936

Om projektet

8 bud Remote projekt Aktiv Oct 29, 2014

8 freelancere byder i gennemsnit ₹2063 timen for dette job


Dear Sir, I want to work on your project. Please message me more details about your project. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you Sir :)

₹7000 INR in 10 dage
(14 bedømmelser)

Hello, I'm pleased to bid this project, In this project I will do the best I can to create an application that will plan student's budget.

₹1300 INR in 20 dage
(0 bedømmelser)

Hello there! I'm studying computer engineering. I love iOS programming. This project may be my first paid project. I can complete it within 7 days.

₹1250 INR in 7 dage
(0 bedømmelser)

Hi, I am a android developer with experience in creating custom user interface elements and client server communication. Could you be clearer and more specific as to what exactly the application should be doing?

₹1250 INR på 1 dag
(0 bedømmelser)

hi. I want to find a project to show all my knowledge I think you project is this. I have 15 year of experience, and 2 in android. Tell me more detail of the project, and i will try to give you a more accurate task tim Flere

₹1750 INR in 20 dage
(0 bedømmelser)

I have been working as android developer for 4 years and the app you are asking for is simple and can be done within hours.

₹1300 INR på 1 dag
(0 bedømmelser)