I need a graphic designer for my company logoJobs
I need a webdesign for a ecommerce subscription webshoppen. Have some references: The design should be for a webshop with a lot of different products and categories. And each product should have a regular price and a membership price. I need you to create a new webdesign with inspiration from the references
A new hosting company is arising from Scandinavia, and are looking for a Lead Designer who can control and engage in the Wordpress theme setup and functional design. The Website is supposed to be multilangual, by using WPML, and the control panel for the Hosting services is supposed to be build into Wordpress. For the sake of this, the designer will be required to think outside the box, and be able to work from a framework-thinking. The Wordpress tool WHMCS is not part of the project. Find ideas from:
Hi. I have a website that is made in wordpress in DIVI theme. I need a price calculator for my website I want it to be a mix of and My website is: I also want a app for the website I look forward to hear from you Thank you :)
...products that we created so fare in WooCommerce. The shop menu should be like this: . We need to have pages for terms & Conditions etc etc... We need to have WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress to work perfectly into the system. We have a module for Affiliate for privates ( 10 - 15% ) that shall work. We need a login for B2B clients that can see the cost-price for them. We need shipping to be integrated with: We need to implement gateway: There shall be a small blog. There shall be a FAQ like this: Mailsystem for newsletter We work in english - but change to danish when we are done. We buy pictures from Shutterstock and we give you danish
I have a non-profit hulporganisation.
I have recently set up a service offering dog walks, daycare and boarding. My methods to market will be purely word of mouth, instagram, and Facebook page. I need a simple, text based logo that would work well as a profile picture for these channels, and on business cards. The business name is: Barks on the Bay
Designing af woocommerce webshop
Har brug for endnu en ur designer - har brug for en der kan lave nogle lækre sketches ud fra et kampfly der skal blive til et ur inspireret af kampfly. Til denne konkurrence vil jeg gerne bede om at tage udgangspunkt i F18 flyet. I kan se mere om min virksomhed på samt instagram: pitotwatches
Jeg hedder Oliver. Jeg er 26 år gammel. Min historie starter tilbage i 2009, hvor min far og jeg køber os ind i en lille skomager forretning i København, som vi så udvikler og gøre større. I løbet af 2-3 år har vi fået et større varesortiment, flere kunder og vi har fordoblet den daglige omsætning. I 2016 beslutter vi os for at åbne afdeling 2 i et storcenter i Ringsted, hvor min far står. Med den rette strategi, fik vi den nye butik op og køre med et meget større varesortiment og en god omsætning. Vi havde og har stadig blod på tanden for at åbne flere skomagerbutikker, men må dsv. Bukke under for ...
i have some designing wrk , required immediately
pamphlet designing and flex design
Jeg har brug for noget grafisk design _____________________________________________ I need some graphic design
Jeg har brug for noget grafisk design _______________________________________________ I need some graphic design
Jeg trenger hjelp til å korrekturlese nettsiden min Følgende sider må korrekturleses og eventuelle feil må rettes opp: Også lenkestrukturen må korrekturleses.
I have my campaign
Hej derude! - Jeg står og er igang med at lave et projekt. Projektet er at starte en Livestream på "". Og derfor søger jeg nogle til at lave noget Graphic Design arbejde for mig, i vil få lidt for det, men det er begrænset hvor meget jeg lige har til det. Men skriv så finder vi ud af det arbejde der skal udføres, det ville være perfekt hvis der var mulighed for at se med mens arbejdet udføres, så jeg kan have et indblik i hvordan og hvorledes det hele skal laves og stilles op.
UI/UX Web Designer for a Desktop & Mobile App (10 hours/week) I’m looking for someone with a lot of experience with UI/UX of Desktop and Mobile Web Apps and a passion for working on a large scale application. We’re working on a productivity software that offers a simple but very effective twist on how people work with Mail, ToDo Lists, Calendars and the like. Opportunity: Work as a Designer with me and our team on a new productivity app called ‘blacksteak’ (project name) that will help thousands of people be more productive and will make work with EMail, Todo Lists, Calendars, etc. fun again.