Copy system administration web designJobs


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    2,000 copy system administration web design jobs fundet

    ... This is the homepage: This is the tasks that I need to have solved: 1) I like to have a Trustpilot logo on top of the video. Just like they do here: I have the trustpilologo in png format I have tried one suggested solution online, but then my Header also get transparent, I do not wish that. 2) I like to learn how to make one element, that I can copy to different location - but I only need to make changes one place. The element should have one "mother" so to speak. The four boxes on the front page with Begravelse, bistættelse, gør mere selv afsked og sig farvel på din måde" is used in many different locations: etc.. Ps

    €29 Average bid
    €29 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    My website is almost done, Im only missing the SHOP section. My website: (SHOP needs to be done) I want to copy these 8 pages (see links) and that means I want to clone these pages and add in my WP site. Need those 8 sites build on my website. I need almost all details, like pictures and text from the links. No links to the other site, I just borrowing their design. I sell the same products. I need to change prices as well and add option to upload some of my pictures, beside your own means I need a section where you can upload the images from me beside your own. I want to sell some of my pictures as an option too. Please check uploaded files for what I want and compare with links. 8 sites (FRONTPAGE and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8) those files will save you time. FRONTPAGE - https://...

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Gns Bud
    10 bud

    I m working in voip in Morocco from 2014 I have a system of asterisk Isabel the problem is when my client send me trafic give him an erreur 486 must be 503 In this case my client lost his traffic

    €380 Average bid
    €380 Gns Bud
    6 bud team og jeg en komplet hjemmeside med et system programmeret i PHP & MYSQL, som skal fungere som et mellemled. Det som vi i virkeligheden ønsker os, er at sætte gang i hjulene på onlinedelen, og dermed få et godt tilbud til en fornuftig pris. Vores virksomhed sikre den private handel bliver gennemført præcis efter den indgåede aftale, ved at sælger og køber udføre handlen igennem vores platform, og dermed udelukker muligheden for svindel. Vi ønsker at hjemmesiden skal se moderne ud og helst noget der passer til vores branche. Der skal være gode muligheder for videreudvikling på senere tidspunkt. Vi ønsker at bruge farven blå, hvid og sort. Det skal se godt ud og kunden skal ...

    €1043 Average bid
    €1043 Gns Bud
    3 bud

    I have wire frame

    €144 Average bid
    €144 Gns Bud
    4 bud
    Project for Inez D.
    Udløbet left

    Hi Inez. I would like you as we agreed, that u make the backside the same as the frontside on the invitation. I would also like you to write a standard text on the backside, I think its smartest for u to just copy/paste it. "Kære ______________ Banen er kridtet op til et kæmpe derby! Målscoren bliver 30, og I skal hive sejren hjem sammen med mig! Fodboldstøvlerne må i gerne lade blive hjemme, det er dog tilladt at spille med promille og højt humør. Stadionpølserne er erstattet med lækker mad, og det er tilladt at danse med modstanderen. Det vil glæde mig til at se jer til en kæmpe fest, på vores landstadion, klokken 17:00. Høstenvej 21, 4690 Haslev. SU: 01.03.20" on the front side ...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud
    €6 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    The creation of a virtual office

    €150 Average bid
    €150 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Must have minimum excel experience

    €4 / hr Average bid
    €4 / hr Gns Bud
    118 bud valgt at indtage det svenske marked inden for fritlægning af billeder. Vi har været til stede i Sverige i et års tid, og ser et kæmpe stort potentiale i dette marked. Vi leder derfor nu efter en freelancer, som brænder for opsøgende salg. Du skal være resultatorienteret, energisk og god til at slå dørene ind hos potentielle nye kunder – både mellem og store virksomheder. Vi står for alt administration, håndtering af ordrer, fakturering og vedligeholdelse af digital platform – så du skal blot fokusere på at sparke dørene ind hos nye kunder. Du har selv ansvaret for at finde og opsøge potentielle kunder. Vi forventer at du: • Kan tale og skrive flydende svensk &...

    €1371 - €2742
    €1371 - €2742
    0 bud
    €20 Gns Bud
    45 bud
    Trophy icon Copy laugh sound effect
    Udløbet left

    Jeg har brug for en som kan kopiere en latter / grin ud fra et lydklip. Det skal helst være eksakt kopi da tonefaldet er meget vigtig til det som det skal bruges til efterfølgende. Det skal være uden ekkoet som er på filen og uden menneske / tale og abe lyde. Kun grinet.

    €97 Average bid
    4 indlæg


    €293 Average bid
    €293 Gns Bud
    9 bud
    Booking system
    Udløbet left

    Opgradering af booking system fra installation program til online booking system mysql Kan laves med komplet engelsk sprog men ved mulighed for at vi kan lave ekstra sprog som man kan vælge som kunde. Har beskrevet lidt om det i vedhæftet pdf.

    €4116 Average bid
    €4116 Gns Bud
    17 bud

    Jeg skal have genoptegnet nogle gamle maskine tegninger i autocad, jeg har de gamle hard copy tegninger, som skal ændres en smule, og der skal tilføjes en ekstra ovn. Yderligere information

    €1745 Average bid
    €1745 Gns Bud
    13 bud


    €27 Average bid
    €27 Gns Bud
    2 bud


    €72 Average bid
    €72 Gns Bud
    6 bud

    Adempiere Finance Functional Consultant for desigining Ecommerce & Accounting System

    €84 Average bid
    €84 Gns Bud
    4 bud

    Vi har brug for at få udviklet en mobil-APP og en hjemmeside til administration og oprettelse af brugere. Brugere skal kunne oprette sig med et username, samt indtaste generel informationer som navn, adresse, mail, telefonnummer, alder og køn. Når brugeren har oprettet sig med et username, skal brugeren kunne søge på andre brugere KUN ved hjælp af brugerens username. Søges der efter et username som findes, skal brugeren kunne skrive en besked til den anden bruger i et almindeligt beskedsystem, som SMS/imessage. Beskedsystemet skal findes i APPen. Der vil løbende være brug for udvikling, hvorfor det er et længere projekt, men ovenstående er starten.

    €1038 Average bid
    €1038 Gns Bud
    8 bud

    Hi I own three sites: , & I need you to copy the template and content of from one webhotel to another, and upload it to Then, I need you to replace content and texts from with content and subpages from In short, i need: 1. Copy site from to new webhotel (from to ) and upload to site 2. Replace content from Sjove-citater with content from sjove-jokes (less than 20 sub sites) 3. Create new header and a new simple logo for favicon 4. Same setup as with the mobile responsiveness Give me a fair offer. Best

    €141 Average bid
    €141 Gns Bud
    10 bud

    Krav specifikation er på plads - Den opdateret version kommer senere.

    €548 Average bid
    €548 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Jeg har vedvarende arbejde relateret til vores tidligere projekt ' pizza online ordrering system with sms gataway '

    €9 - €9 / hr
    €9 - €9 / hr
    0 bud
    Bank teller system
    Udløbet left

    Bank teller system

    €7 / hr Average bid
    €7 / hr Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Hej, Mit navn er Frederik og jeg har fået en idé der omhandler odds/spille på kampe. Her er lidt information omkring projektet: At spille på fodboldkampe, tennis kampe, NBA og andre sportsgrene er populær i alle aldre nu til dags,...spillere som størstedelen af deres forslag, er vundet. Kunder på siden, der søger forslag, skal betale for at se premium spillernes forslag. Det skal siges det er gratis at oprette sig på siden og at oprette forslag. Har du spørgsmål, svarer jeg gerne, så fyr løs! Men det jeg søger, er et tilbud, højst sandsynlig af en programmør. Vi leder nemlig efter en der kan lave et system der passer til projektet. Altså et system der kan ...

    €312 Average bid
    €312 Gns Bud
    3 bud
    Udløbet left

    Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy Payments for sales copy.

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Gns Bud
    1 bud
    Tanmoy - Tanmoy
    Udløbet left

    Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy,Tanmoy Payments for sales copy.

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Gns Bud
    1 bud

    Jag har pågående arbete relaterat till vårat tidigare projektLooking for PRO Sales Copy writing Emails and Auto responded, Homepage'

    €5 - €5 / hr
    €5 - €5 / hr
    0 bud

    Hi, i need social shares

    €27 - €27
    €27 - €27
    0 bud

    I need a hard copy document typed up and transferred onto a thumb drive as a Word Document. The document should follow standard formatting. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in typing - Excellent attention to detail - Experienced with Microsoft Word - Able to follow standard formatting requirements The project involves: - Typing content from a hard copy - Transferring the typed content onto a thumb drive - Using standard formatting in the Word Document

    €16 / hr Average bid
    Haster NDA
    €16 / hr Gns Bud
    33 bud
    Posicionamiento y copy -- 2
    6 dage left

    Necesito un especialista en seo para optimizar el posicionamiento orgánico de todo mi sitio web y redactar de copywritig profesional de todas paginas, optimicé todas las palabras claves de cada sección del menu y contenido de las paginas. Necesito que este en la 1ª pagina de google en murcia en todas las categorias. Experiencia en herramientas de auditoria SEO. Google my business Google analytics Google search console Enviarme un plan de trabajo paso a paso y presupuesto. Soy desarrollador y te daré todo el apoyo que necesites. Solo Hispano Hablante

    €101 Average bid
    €101 Gns Bud
    11 bud

    I need a professional-grade GIF for our website, designed with our branding. The GIF...ages/ 2) a small loader , used at various places where we wait for some loading or refresh to happen. we want the test to be "Please Wait" and another copy with "Loading" Requirements: - The mood of the GIF should convey professionalism. - It must incorporate our logo and color scheme. - The animation style should be a smooth, seamless looping animation. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in graphic design and animation. - Experience with creating brand-consistent digital content. - Understanding of GIF formats and web integration. Your bid should reflect your understanding of our needs and your ability to deliver a high-quality, on-brand product.

    €36 Average bid
    3 indlæg

    Hi, We operate a META Search engine and looking to introduce an account system across ALL our platforms including the search, our ad platform, marketplace and places. So we need a basic user registration system built that we can easily connect our other platforms to use for user sign registration and login. We have had this built before and now need to have it rebuilt. We are not sure what is the best platform but i am thinking pure php and mysql. We have a frontend theme to use for registration and sign in. We would like to have a basic logged in page. for users to see which will allow them to manage their account. We want want them to be able to log in to all our projects once logged in. We can buy one of these style systems for $30 but we are seeing if we can get ...

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Gns Bud
    18 bud

    I'm looking to develop an admin system in PHP, complete with a front-end website and database. This system will primarily handle user management and content oversight, specifically tracking training progress. Key Features: - User Management: The system should allow for comprehensive control over user accounts, including creation, modification, and deletion of accounts. - Content Management: The system will need to manage and track user’s training progress. This content will need to be logged and easy to access and interpret. - Front-end Development: A user-friendly front-end is crucial for this project. It needs to be intuitive and easy to navigate for admin purposes as well as for regular users. - Database Integration: A reliable database is key ...

    €2171 Average bid
    €2171 Gns Bud
    117 bud

    I'm looking for a freelancer for a simple copy-paste task. The project involves copying text from a PDF document and pasting it into a Google application (specific application to be confirmed). It would be beneficial if the freelancer has experience using Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides.

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Gns Bud
    124 bud

    There are a great many levels of expertise in design. We are not looking for an adequate or even a GOOD designer here. We are looking for a GREAT DESIGNER. Someone that has both the technical expertise to put images on a website AND someone that can create the Vision itself only from the marketing/brand vision and the assets at hand. We need to be able to communicate WHAT the CONCEPT of the site is AND GIVE THE ASSETS, and you be able to take it to the finish line from there by creating the look and feel and functionality (we have programmers that can help you with that part --- but you must be able to convey what those design elements are and produce them). We are looking for a "developer/builder," not an "assembler." You must also be able to do IF...

    €12 / hr Average bid
    €12 / hr Gns Bud
    105 bud

    I'm seeking a professional with extensive experience in irrigation design, specifically a drip irrigation system tailored for a landscaping application. Key project requirements include: - Comprehensive design of a irrigation network of existing softscape design. - Detailed assembly list including pressure regulators and filters using an existing list of BOQ and adjust quantities in the BOQ as deemed appropriate. Add items also as well, if needed.. Ideal candidates should have: - Proficient understanding of drip irrigation systems/irrigation system and design. - Previous experience in designing irrigation systems for landscaping - Skills in preparing detailed assembly lists and BOQs. Please include a portfolio of similar previous projects...

    €31 Average bid
    €31 Gns Bud
    13 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled wordsmith, capable of infusing playfulness and creativity into brand messages for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The ultimate goal of the copy is to maintain a trendy voice, while increasing brand awareness and boosting user engagement. Ideal candidates must exhibit a knack for strategic and fun copywriting, alongside in-depth comprehension of these platforms. Proven experience in sparking engaging conversations and facilitating broadened brand popularity is imperative.

    €2 / hr Average bid
    €2 / hr Gns Bud
    30 bud

    ...The QR Codes are printed on physical Pet tags that pets wear. When the QR code is scanned, it opens the pet’s profile in a browser, the owner can modify which information it wants to make public. Some of the information visible to the user that’s scans the QR Code is: - Pet’s Info - Owner’s Phone number (Will a button to text, call or message via whats app) - Owner’s Address (Will have button to copy address, and another button to open address in google maps) - A button that says “Notify owner of your location” that will send the owner a link to google maps with your current location through SMS. Key Features: 1. User Accounts: o Authentication: Users can create accounts using Firebase Authentication, with the option to sign up via emai...

    €546 Average bid
    €546 Gns Bud
    143 bud

    I'm seeking a skilled developer to create a web application using Python with FastAPI, AWS, and React. The main functionality of this application revolves around user authentication and management. Key requirements: - Implement a system for custom user roles based on specific organizational needs - Utilize OAuth for user authentication, integrating platforms such as Google and Facebook Ideal candidates will have: - Extensive experience with Python, FastAPI, AWS, and React - Proven track record of developing user management systems - Expertise in OAuth integration for seamless user authentication.

    €757 Average bid
    €757 Gns Bud
    164 bud

    **Project Title: Service Claim Management System (Java, Angular, MySQL, CSR)** **Description:** We need a full-stack developer to build a Service Claim Management System with the following features: Technical Stack: Backend: Java with MySQL for data storage. Frontend: Angular with responsive design for both **mobile** and **desktop** views. Media Storage**: Integrate and set up **AWS S3** for storing images and videos. CSR: Implement CSR functionality using **Amazon Textract ** for extracting text from documents. Features: Claim Creation: Users can Record or upload video and submit claims . Max video Record and Upload size: 23 MB, **Max Video duration**: 2 minutes. Max image size: 2 MB. Filtering: Account-wise claim filtering. Reports: Generate Excel reports for cla...

    €256 Average bid
    €256 Gns Bud
    17 bud

    I'm in need of an Excel expert who can create a workbook for tracking and grading children's monthly reading progress in English. The sheet should be able to capture various metrics, including: - Reading level - Comprehension skills - Fluency rate The results should be summarized on a monthly basis, with the use of visual aids such as charts, graphs, and color-coded highlights to make the data easily digestible. Tables with detailed data should also be included to provide a comprehensive view of each child's progress. Ideal candidates should have: - Advanced Excel skills - Experience with educational tracking systems - Ability to create visually appealing and easy-to-understand reports

    €33 Average bid
    €33 Gns Bud
    29 bud

    I'm looking for a freelancer who can help me develop a comprehensive, web-based system for managing daily supplier invoices and timesheets. This system will primarily be used by our internal staff. Key Features: - Automating invoice generation: The system should be able to generate invoices automatically based on the data inputted. - Tracking supplier timesheets: The system should have the capability to monitor and track timesheets from various suppliers. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in web development - Experience in creating invoice and timesheet management systems - Understanding of user-friendly interface design for internal staff use.

    €16 / hr Average bid
    €16 / hr Gns Bud
    117 bud

    I require a Magento Payment System expert to integrate Credit/Debit Card payment method into my site through the Stripe payment gateway. The project does not involve multi-currency support, making the task more straightforward. Ideal Skills: - In-depth experience with Magento - Proficient in integrating Stripe payment gateway - Knowledge of Credit/Debit Card payment system Please ensure to provide examples of your previous work related to this project.

    €191 Average bid
    €191 Gns Bud
    84 bud

    Create an intelligent home security system using a combination of machine learning and IoT devices. The system will use cameras with facial recognition and anomaly detection to alert homeowners of potential intruders. Skills Required: Programming: Python (for backend and machine learning). Machine Learning: Experience with TensorFlow or PyTorch for model development. Computer Vision: Understanding of OpenCV for image processing. IoT Protocols: MQTT or HTTP for device communication. Cloud Services: AWS or Google Cloud for data storage and processing. UI/UX Design: Skills to create a user-friendly mobile app interface. Networking: Basics of home networking and security.

    €41 / hr Average bid
    €41 / hr Gns Bud
    9 bud

    ...experienced Web Hosting System Administrator with expertise in cPanel to manage and maintain our web hosting infrastructure. Your primary responsibilities will include configuring and optimizing cPanel servers, ensuring site uptime, managing security settings, and handling routine maintenance tasks like backups, migrations, and performance tuning. Key Responsibilities: Set up and configure cPanel/WHM environments. Monitor server health and ensure uptime and performance. Troubleshoot issues related to DNS, SSL, and server configurations. Implement security best practices for hosting environments. Provide support for website migrations and backups. Requirements: Strong experience with cPanel/WHM administration. Proficiency in Linux server environments....

    €5 / hr Average bid
    €5 / hr Gns Bud
    30 bud

    I'm seeking an exam invigilator with at least a Bachelor's degree to administer an on-site exam in Cambridge, UK. This is a one-time gig with the potential for future opportunities. We provide test administration and accommodation solutions to test-takers worldwide. For this purpose, we look for professionals who we contact on an "as-needed" basis to see if they are available to assist test takers for their approved accommodations. We provide complete training and assignments pay hourly for the entire scheduled time, even if the exam ends early. We have a computer exam coming up where a test taker has been approved for a Reader. For this assignment, you are required to be present on-site, sit with the test taker, and read the exam content aloud. The exam is ta...

    €20 - €23 / hr
    €20 - €23 / hr
    0 bud

    I'm seeking an exam invigilator with at least a Bachelor's degree to administer an on-site exam in Cambridge, UK. This is a one-time gig with the potential for future opportunities. We provide test administration and accommodation solutions to test-takers worldwide. For this purpose, we look for professionals who we contact on an "as-needed" basis to see if they are available to assist test takers for their approved accommodations. We provide complete training and assignments pay hourly for the entire scheduled time, even if the exam ends early. We have a computer exam coming up where a test taker has been approved for a Reader. For this assignment, you are required to be present on-site, sit with the test taker, and read the exam content aloud. The exam is ta...

    €19 - €23 / hr
    €19 - €23 / hr
    0 bud

    I'm looking for a professional to set up a PBX and IVR system geared towards enhancing our sales and marketing efforts. The system should incorporate specific features such as call routing, voice menu options, and call recording. Key Responsibilities: - Configure the PBX and IVR system to support our sales and marketing initiatives. - Implement features including call routing, voice menu options, and call recording. - Ensure seamless integration with our existing CRM system. Ideal Skills: - Proven experience in setting up PBX and IVR systems. - Understanding of sales and marketing communication needs. - Proficient in CRM software integration. - Knowledge of call routing and recording technologies. Please note, this project is not just about technical s...

    €134 Average bid
    €134 Gns Bud
    29 bud
    Exam Invigilator- Ballymena
    6 dage left

    I'm seeking an exam invigilator with at least a Bachelor's degree to administer an on-site exam in Cambridge, UK. This is a one-time gig with the potential for future opportunities. We provide test administration and accommodation solutions to test-takers worldwide. For this purpose, we look for professionals who we contact on an "as-needed" basis to see if they are available to assist test takers for their approved accommodations. We provide complete training and assignments pay hourly for the entire scheduled time, even if the exam ends early. We have a computer exam coming up where a test taker has been approved for a Reader. For this assignment, you are required to be present on-site, sit with the test taker, and read the exam content aloud. The exam is ta...

    €20 - €23 / hr
    €20 - €23 / hr
    0 bud
    Trophy icon Modern Vibrant Logo Design
    2 dage left

    Design a Logo for JADS with lightning with leaf to represent green energy. Logo must be unique and shouldn't be a copy of any logo.

    €5 Average bid
    78 indlæg