Freelancer: famit13
Anmeld Indlæg


this is my idea of the logo , the mark with diffrent colored dots represent the solution we always had in front of our eyes in the form of games and also we can see a plus sign in the mark, the name text is with unique italic font, hope you like the idea , please feedback and also telll if you want to see the logo with any improvisations,, thanks.

Konkurrenceindlæg #44 for                                                 Solution Avance Plus Inc.

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • Philcollerette
    • 10 år siden

    Nice work ! Can you try to change the color of the ''Solution'' and ''Plus Inc'' ? All black or white with a black lining. Will you provide the psd ? Thanks

    • 10 år siden
    1. famit13
      • 10 år siden

      ya sure sir, thank you for appreciating my work,will submit the designs accordingly.

      • 10 år siden
    2. famit13
      • 10 år siden

      sir waiting for your decision .........

      • 10 år siden