Freelancer: aashishtech
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Quasi Art Logo

I changed the font. Now it looks more artistic than my previous entry. Also I modified the wink. Please rate and give feedback. Thank you.

Konkurrenceindlæg #42 for                                                 design a logo

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • hellenb
    • 8 år siden

    Yes this font is much better, although is is difficult to read the word. So maybe a font that is a bit like this one but is better readable

    • 8 år siden
    1. aashishtech
      • 8 år siden

      Okay Sir. I am working on the font. Please tell if you are satisfied with the wink or any other changes you want to make.

      • 8 år siden
    2. aashishtech
      • 8 år siden

      Please check #62 . I modified the font.

      • 8 år siden