Freelancer: wakjabit
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cute and newest possum

hi there here my newest possum cute and memorable, please let me know if there any revision would required, i cant find similar fonts with ur existing fonts at ur websites, mind if u give me the names for that font? thank you

Konkurrenceindlæg #24 for                                                 Design a Logo for Pesky Possum Pest Control

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • JayBD
    • 9 år siden

    I really liked that other possum with the net logo so please upload that so the owner of the business can see that one when deciding too. I like the Idea with this one but I don't think she'll go for it because possums don't hang using their tails.

    • 9 år siden
  • JayBD
    • 9 år siden

    That's cute man nice work. Can you please upload your graphic from the last competition too, sorry for the mess around Freelancer deleted the comp I started the second time to try and get me to pay them more.

    • 9 år siden