Need help/advice on database choice/design/architecture for IOS app where i need to store objects in a folder like manner (aka file manager)

  • Status: Closed
  • Præmier: £50
  • Modtagne indlæg: 2

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i am a newbie IOS developer trying to make personal ios app that can access database where i can store objects in a file like manner and query them.

You dont need you to develop anything, I just your advice/help/coahcing on the design (see title)

Example: native "files" app on ios but storing text notes to begin with.

Also ability to do complex queries is desirable.

Tried: Firebase json tree.
- No ability to do complex queries
- Downloads the whole tree for a specified child.

Tried: Firestore
- subcollections looping not available
- problems when trying to move/copy/delete data within hierarchy - need loop through nested subcollections documents to retrieve all relevant data which doesnt sound ideal...

Tried: SQLite
Issues: dont feel like doing doing JOINs is the right way to go for hierarchical data.

Currently Looking at CouchDB...

If you already solved this design problem before and based in UK would be ideal.

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