Freelancer: Itzrixwan
Anmeld Indlæg

Maximum Wash – Company Profile

Create a modern and professional cover design for a company profile by incorporating blue as the main color. The design should have a clean and minimalistic look, with a mix of typography and graphics. Use a light shade of blue as the background and add a bold header in a darker shade of blue. The header should contain the company name in a sleek sans-serif font, with a tagline in a smaller font below. Add a graphic element, such as a hexagon or circle, to break up the text and make the design more visually interesting. On the lower half of the cover, use a mix of blue and gray to showcase key information about the company, such as its mission statement, values, and services offered. Make sure to keep the text concise and easy to read, using a clear and legible sans-serif font. Overall, the design should convey a sense of professionalism, trust, and stability, making it a perfect fit for a company profile.

Konkurrenceindlæg #90 for                                                 Make a cover page from below details

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