Design a Website Mockup for GoDiGiTV
- Status: Closed
- Præmier: $527
- Modtagne indlæg: 8
- Vinder: SadunKodagoda
Konkurrence Instruktioner
The frontend website mockup is for a internet tv platform that users will be able to signup and be able to create an event page where they will be able to live streaming, upload VOD, run a Pay Per View event, sells Ticketing and donate. All these functionality already has been built but we are looking for a frontend that is different from what is out there right now.
We are looking for a strong brand, we will be competing on functionality with the current ustream, vimeo and livestream.
Our clients will be users similar to all three of the target groups listed above.
We have not decided on a logo yet so if you want to take a stab at it go ahead, we have attached what we did so far.
Hoping we find a great UI designer in the process to stay on this project long term.
Bring your best Innovative ideas and design please!
Anbefalede færdigheder
“@SadunKodagoda won the contest on 9 July 2013”
mymissio, United States.
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