Design a Logo for WebSite

  • Status: Closed
  • Præmier: ₹1000
  • Modtagne indlæg: 23
  • Vinder: ersinhakera

Konkurrence Instruktioner

I have a small website on Automation Testing Tools and I am looking for a decent Logo which should go with Banner. I want some robotic logo with the website name. is the website and it is under construction as of now. As of now there is logo of High Technologies which is free template logo and has to be replaced with the new one.

As I am creating this site just for fun I do not have much budget for logo.

Anbefalede færdigheder


“This guy is very promising. He delivered more then he was supposed to delivered with great professionalism and expertise. 100% will hire him again.”

Profilbillede mrlakshaysharma, United Kingdom.

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • uncutaku
    • 10 år siden

    Awesome logo created by me. Check the entry no. 16

    • 10 år siden
    1. mrlakshaysharma
      • 10 år siden

      Yes, no doubt u got something creative with logo

      • 10 år siden
  • ayogairsyad
    • 10 år siden

    #10 is WINNER ?!

    • 10 år siden
  • yohanandz
    • 10 år siden

    please rate #8

    • 10 år siden

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