Change the look of two pictures of a house to look like another house

  • Status: Closed
  • Præmier: $30
  • Modtagne indlæg: 25
  • Vinder: Worldart

Konkurrence Instruktioner

Dear Designer/editor

I have attached three pictures.

1. Backyard and house
2. Frontyard and house
Two of pictures show the house that is currently quite worn down and needs some work on the outside and in the garden.

3. Beautiful house
The third picture show a very nice looking house, with beautiful looking black shining roof, beige/grey walls, white windows, new gutters etc.

I need to have the two pictures of the house and garden freshed up (picture 1 and 2), so that it gets the same finish as the beautiful house.

I need both the pictures to have that beige/grey walls, the beautiful window frames in white and most importantly i need the house to have that black shining roof with the hangout in each end of the house (barge board).

Ideally, you will be able to make the garden grass look greener and the garden in general more beautiful, but no specific requirements here.

I will award the winner when I get what I am looking for. If it is even better, I will pay additional 20$.

Kind regards

Anbefalede færdigheder

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • briangranberg
    • 11 år siden

    Hello All

    Thanks for the beautiful pictures. I have chosen a winner already, as WorldArt is fulfilling all requirements and has been very good in the garden. Thanks for your contributions.

    • 11 år siden
  • ras122
    • 11 år siden

    please give rating #9 #10 and guarantee the contest

    • 11 år siden
    1. ras122
      • 11 år siden

      Yes i am sorry, i know the house is not looking that much good, working on it now, will give you a better entry :) and Thank you for your feedback

      • 11 år siden
    2. ras122
      • 11 år siden

      please check #28

      • 11 år siden
  • DragonFlamely
    • 11 år siden

    What do you think #27 . Thank you.

    • 11 år siden
  • Virm
    • 11 år siden

    Please give rating #26 , and let me know if you want something to change.

    • 11 år siden
  • AnneClaire
    • 11 år siden

    Feedback on 25?

    • 11 år siden
  • isakmo
    • 11 år siden

    Take a look at #19
    It has all your requirements, but it still looks realistic enough to fool anyone. The green in #9 for example looks pretty, but wouldnt fool anyone.

    • 11 år siden
    1. isakmo
      • 11 år siden

      And also, its both pictures

      • 11 år siden
  • briangranberg
    • 11 år siden

    Update: Please remove the antennas on each side and color the foundation black (bottom 20 cm all around the house, which is currently black). Remember, if two houses are equally beautiful, the more beautiful garden wins. Happy designing.

    • 11 år siden
  • briangranberg
    • 11 år siden

    Ofcourse, the price is guarenteed

    • 11 år siden
  • techny456
    • 11 år siden

    and please gurantee the contest

    • 11 år siden
  • techny456
    • 11 år siden

    Beautiful and natural green look at 9 and 10, will submit my entry ASAP, working on it

    • 11 år siden

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