Automate Facebook Posts Using Python
- Status: Closed
- Præmier: $30
- Modtagne indlæg: 12
- Vinder: xSomoy
Konkurrence Instruktioner
Hi team I need your help on automate facebook posting using python, We will by pass Facebook login using id(e-mail) and password (not problem to do it with Facebook APIs ) then we will create a new post on a list of Facebook groups Url please note I am a member of those groups (I am only a member not an admin) This is the message that I wanna posted:
Message: "Check out an amazing job offer on our web!"
Could be great to pass a pic as well.
Could be great to pass video
I am looking for something simple that I can schedule to run on a Linux machine.
Login in Facebook by using an email and password, (not problem to do it with Facebook APIs ) followed by creating new posts in a specified list of Facebook groups URL.(I have got a Txt file with a list of url) It's important to note that I am a member of these groups, not an admin.
! "Nice to have": be able to post with an image from a path.
Your job is to create the script and a small documentation on how to use it, and how it works.
PD: not a problem to do it with Facebook APIs
PD1: I have got a text file with around 20 Fb groups,(url) but the idea is to add more in the future.
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