Automate Facebook Posts Using Python

  • Status: Closed
  • Præmier: $30
  • Modtagne indlæg: 12
  • Vinder: xSomoy

Konkurrence Instruktioner

Hi team I need your help on automate facebook posting using python, We will by pass Facebook login using id(e-mail) and password (not problem to do it with Facebook APIs ) then we will create a new post on a list of Facebook groups Url please note I am a member of those groups (I am only a member not an admin) This is the message that I wanna posted:
Message: "Check out an amazing job offer on our web!"
Could be great to pass a pic as well.
Could be great to pass video

I am looking for something simple that I can schedule to run on a Linux machine.


Login in Facebook by using an email and password, (not problem to do it with Facebook APIs ) followed by creating new posts in a specified list of Facebook groups URL.(I have got a Txt file with a list of url) It's important to note that I am a member of these groups, not an admin.

! "Nice to have": be able to post with an image from a path.
Your job is to create the script and a small documentation on how to use it, and how it works.

PD: not a problem to do it with Facebook APIs

PD1: I have got a text file with around 20 Fb groups,(url) but the idea is to add more in the future.

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“Top notch professional that know how to code! Have a great approach at problem solving and trouble shooting. I highly recommend if you need help”

Profilbillede jaimevp2038, Spain.

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  • xSomoy
    • 1 år siden

    Dear Contest Holder,
    The Project is almost finished. I am implementing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for your ease of use.
    I will also host the app on Web for FREE. You won't even have to configure it. And use the app anywhere you want.
    Please keep my placeholder entries #15 / #16 active. So That I can deliver you the best app you can possible desire.
    Thank You.

    • 1 år siden
    1. xSomoy
      • 1 år siden

      Additionally my app will have the following features:
      1. Adding Photos to in the post.
      2. Adding Videos to in the post.
      3. You can chose custom post for each group.
      4. Not just 20 Groups. You will be able to add as many group as possible.

      • 1 år siden
    2. xSomoy
      • 1 år siden

      Also I'm willing to add more features as your work requires.
      Thank You.

      • 1 år siden
  • sadeyakhan281
    • 1 år siden


    • 1 år siden
  • sadeyakhan281
    • 1 år siden

    # check entry 7. 100% works. send me a messages to check code and live demo

    • 1 år siden

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