Freelancer: saidkhan803
Anmeld Indlæg

A5 Flyer

Hello sir, this is may design. I hope you like it. If you need any changes please send me a message.

Konkurrenceindlæg #508 for                                                 A5 Flyer - New Design
Indlæg #508

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • sgs001
    • 1 år siden

    Hi Md Abul,

    Thanks for your designs. You were shortlisted from hundreds of designs that we received.

    However, before awarding you, I'd like to see some changes:

    1) "Earn EUR250 for Every Introduction" should be changed to "€250 Bonus for Every Introduction" - Must be bolder
    2) Please add "Earn €400 Per Month" and this must be central message
    3) QR Code: This should link to
    4) The design must be good for printing. Therefore, please leave space for bleed
    5) Change the email address to the correct format

    After finishing the above and choose your design, I will translate the same design in Maltese language so I print on both sides - English and Maltese.


    • 1 år siden
  • saidkhan803
    • 1 år siden

    Please! check my entry #508

    • 1 år siden