Freelancer: xaverubio
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Death's Lake

I tried to portray how the Black Death happened in the perspective of a priest who took the confessions of the knights who battled in wars. I hope we can help each other in this project. Thank you!

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • RhapsodeMonolith
    • 2 år siden


    Thank you for your entry.
    It's a good story, but it lack of some aspects that I'm searching.

    • 2 år siden
  • xaverubio
    • 2 år siden

    I also added trade routes as an important element in the story to imply how they became major contributors to the transmission of the plague, which lead to the death of almost half of the population of Europe in the span of seven years. Another vector of transmission was rats, which carried flea with them. This is the theory most supported by science.

    These are the only pointers I have for the story. I hope it matches your preferences. Thank you.

    • 2 år siden
  • xaverubio
    • 2 år siden

    The lake that I am referring to here is lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia. It is believed that the black death originated in this area after archaeological excavations revealed that the formerly residing community was ravaged by a bubonic plague in 1338 and 1339; whereas the black death is said to have initialized in 1346.

    The Eastern European City was inspired by the City of Caffa, which was besieged by the Mongols in 1344, when the Mongols laid their corpses on their catapults and flung them over the defensive walls of Caffa, to retaliate against the Italian relief force that killed 15000 Mongols. Both parties fell ill to the plague, and contributed to the entry of the plague to other parts of Europe.

    • 2 år siden