Freelancer: Ve1vet
Anmeld Indlæg


Just in case. Please at least rate my work. Payment process i will submit later. Honestly payment process should be designed after full report will be designed, plus there will be a list of payment methods such as credit card, paypal, google pay, apple pay, etc.

Konkurrenceindlæg #57 for                                                 Redesign Website / Build Working Website

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • Chronine
    • 3 år siden

    You put a lot of effort into this, this is by far the BEST design i have seen yet. -> I'm waiting for the rest of the contestants to submit but you are ahead of the pack atm. Good work.

    • 3 år siden
  • Chronine
    • 3 år siden

    stunning work, i love it.

    • 3 år siden