Freelancer: ChiemiDesigns
Anmeld Indlæg

AMS PitchDeck 1.2

Hi, i worked on the previous feedback you sent. ready to complete all the content and apply any changes. regards

Konkurrenceindlæg #17 for                                                 Pitch deck PowerPoint

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • bmendelson
    • 4 år siden

    Agree with contest holder. Clean design.

    • 4 år siden
    1. ChiemiDesigns
      • 4 år siden

      i can make any changes you need on the any of the slides. thanks ! if needed we can have supporting graphics on every sildes.

      • 4 år siden
  • bmendelson
    • 4 år siden

    looks really good. My only comment is that some of the supporting graphics with the charts and graphs are too large or non existing. Should be supportive not overwhelming. Your design is in the top 2-3

    • 4 år siden