Freelancer: NidhritiBhowmik
Anmeld Indlæg

Growth hacks for KondiMasters

Hi contest holder, I've attached a marketing plan that I believe will work great for KondiMasters. The plan includes 9 different strategies that you can use to increase your visibility and sales in EU. I'd be happy to help you with a timeline, more detailed steps or even implementation, if you need that. Hope you like my plan. Eager to hear your feedback! ~Cheers ps. please ignore the page breaks, I had to take images of a pdf I created since the contest is only allowing jpg + png.

Konkurrenceindlæg #9 for                                                 Marketing plan for my business. Help me to work out a meaningful project description. NO SEO

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • sbTechnik
    • 5 år siden

    Hello. You wrote you could do also implementation. Could you tell anything about the costs for implementation?

    • 5 år siden
  • NidhritiBhowmik
    • 5 år siden

    Glad you like my ideas, Stefan! Let me know if you need any more marketing ideas! :)

    • 5 år siden
  • sbTechnik
    • 5 år siden

    Hello Nidhriti, many thanks for your entrie! It´s a good one. Regards Stefan

    • 5 år siden