Freelancer: dritdesign
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Button Animation (video on g-drive link)

Please check the g-drive link to view the animation. Let me know what you think about it :) Hope you like it

Konkurrenceindlæg #8 for                                                 Looking for an icon + button animation which will be used on a website

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • tricewd
    • 2 år siden

    Hi Ergi, Thank you for your entry.

    I like the transition and would like to see the final state continually laughing as when the animation "finishes" it looks like the laughing face froze and stopped working.

    Also, please include how this works in a button found in the space at the bottom of the Joke.png image provided in the contest details.

    Please read the contest details carefully if there is any confusion.

    Thank you

    • 2 år siden