Freelancer: auzinagunta
Anmeld Indlæg

Little Pig Illustration

Hi! This is my variation of Three Little Pigs illustration. I saw your contest only this evening so if you like my drawing you can ask and I will work on it a little bit more. Thank you!

Konkurrenceindlæg #7 for                                                 Illustration for one page from the famous story "Three little pigs"

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • garlicnose
    • 10 år siden

    Thank you.

    It would be great
    -if the wolf is more appealing. I can see only the tail. Readers who just see the picture without reading the story can get the complete story is what I expect here.
    -if the pig has more sense of urgency

    and the pig seems quite old, should be young.

    • 10 år siden
    1. auzinagunta
      • 10 år siden

      Thank you! There's only 2 hours left, but I will try to fix those things :)

      • 10 år siden