Freelancer: satishandsurabhi
Anmeld Indlæg


Hi, Can you please give me feedback for the design, so that we can improve it as per your expectations ? Thanks!

Konkurrenceindlæg #26 for                                                 I need concert design for poster and postcard flyer

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • neetostuffo
    • 5 år siden

    please check out entries 37 and 39 to see the two sided version. This is more along the lines of what I'll need. One side I'll use as a poster, the other side the bulk of the information. thanks!

    • 5 år siden
  • satishandsurabhi
    • 5 år siden

    Please confirm, if you like this design so that we can create the postcard for the same. Thanks.

    • 5 år siden
  • satishandsurabhi
    • 5 år siden

    Thanks for star rating. Do update us, if you need any changes in the design or you have any suggestions to improve it as per your requirement and expectations. Thanks.

    • 5 år siden