Freelancer: starkovgr
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My work

Hello, I was very interested in the offer to take part in your competition. A very high-quality and professional video was made for you, which will interest and motivate people to visit the site. I cut the time for each video because people watch these videos for no more than 30 seconds, so for your convenience I have allocated 27 seconds each. Made in a modern style, it is very interesting for me to participate in your projects, as I would like to participate in this. I hope I didn't tire you too much with an explanation, but what else will I get from you as a reward ... Links to videos Best regards Ruslan

Konkurrenceindlæg #14 for                                                 Fact-of-the-Day Showcase Videos for Feb 11 - 20

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • starkovgr
    • 3 år siden

    • 3 år siden