Freelancer: Spensers
Anmeld Indlæg

A clear design, easy to navigate website

This is design of the main page. Here you can see couple sections for information and a gallery. But on the main page will be a summary of your projects. Details can be seen if you click "projects". If you want to change something, please, tell me know or feedback. Thank you. Kind regards Spenser

Konkurrenceindlæg #6 for                                                 Design a website for architecture company

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • vvaldas
    • 10 år siden

    I like the idea and layout. Everything on the main page simple and clear. Also the Logo and top of page design is done nice. However i would like page to look more like my samples. This one to me is more like an album design or painting.

    • 10 år siden
    1. Spensers
      • 10 år siden

      I'm glad that you like it. You want to see the design "projects"? I can do it for you.

      • 10 år siden