Freelancer: zoomlander
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Sample O

Hi, if you wish I can provide for you blank photo (your image) with white background and separate transparent text each in 3 main colors, so you can place them anywhere you wish ))

Konkurrenceindlæg #115 for                                                 Design a banner for my business Bootstrap website and Facebook page.
Indlæg #115

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • zoomlander
    • 10 år siden

    Thank you )

    • 10 år siden
  • creativework07
    • 10 år siden

    Congrats Brother (Y)

    • 10 år siden
  • zoomlander
    • 10 år siden

    Already done and upload )

    • 10 år siden
  • cathrinjanoy
    • 10 år siden

    Sent the previous message too early.. Sorry! So, what I meant to say is that if you know put the words "END KAMPEN MED MAT FOR GODT", further to the top left, it would be great!

    • 10 år siden
  • cathrinjanoy
    • 10 år siden

    Great! And now, can you take the sentec

    • 10 år siden

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