Freelancer: designerdesk26
Anmeld Indlæg

Proper Size 18x24, Ready to Print

This is Vector based Ready to print file.Easy to read, clean and based on the color scheme of your school.Please provide feedback and give suggestions for improvements.Thanks

Konkurrenceindlæg #2 for                                                 Design a Sign for Proud Supporters

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • designerdesk26
    • 8 år siden

    Hello Sir, as per your instructions I have made the changes and made two versions, One as vertical and one as landscape.Please have a look on them in Entry #20

    • 8 år siden
  • josephinekoz
    • 8 år siden

    You're close. When you write "proud supporter of Mariemont City Schools" can you just use our logo instead of writing out "Mariemont City Schools?" Or make "Proud Supporter of" bigger across the top and leave the district logo along the bottom. It would be good to also see this as a landscape layout.

    • 8 år siden