Freelancer: minidra
Anmeld Indlæg

Ecosystem Logo

The idea I tried to capture here: the human body as part of the Nature and Universe, freedom, harmony. Thank you

Konkurrenceindlæg #19 for                                                 Design a Logo for the PERSONIFICATION of the BIOSPHERE

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • minidra
    • 10 år siden

    Hello VisualSyn3rgy. I just made some changes but I can not upload the image anymore - the contest results are pending. However you can find it here if you'd like to see it:
    Hope you'll like it better this time. Thank you :)

    • 10 år siden
  • minidra
    • 10 år siden

    Thank you very much I'll try to make a few modifications and see if you will like them :)

    • 10 år siden
  • VisualSyn3rgy
    • 10 år siden

    I think it needs to be more integrated though. Like everything connected, rather than floating around

    • 10 år siden
  • VisualSyn3rgy
    • 10 år siden

    Great idea. One of the best entries yet.

    • 10 år siden