Freelancer: ishansagar
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Logo Concept 2

Compact design where's the emblem (the logo mark) is inbuilt within the logo text.

Konkurrenceindlæg #108 for                                                 Design a Logo for Vitamin/Supplement & All Natural Eatery Store
Indlæg #108

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  • joshuascott
    • 8 år siden

    • 8 år siden
    1. ishansagar
      • 8 år siden

      that's not flash its N the design is very much different and there is a concept behind highlighting the N with a thunderbolt style As N is the first letter of the word Nutrition and by definition of we have the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food (e.g. phytonutrients, anthocyanins, tannins, etc.) in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism in short the ENERGY. you wont understand this because you are a wanna be graphic designer with no sense nor creativity and crap skills of graphic designing.

      • 8 år siden