Freelancer: cihangir
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Cihangir's Entry for DGA App

Hi, please take a look at my entry for DGA application. Here are the screens for; splash page, main page, company detail page, ios icon and ios icon on dashboard. Thank you. Cihangir

Konkurrenceindlæg #39 for                                                 Design a Logo for DGA (Global Digital Address)

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • Daone
    • 10 år siden

    did you get my attachment?

    • 10 år siden
    1. cihangir
      • 10 år siden

      Hi, yes I got your attachment and almost done revising the design. I'll upload later today. FYI. Thank you.

      • 10 år siden
  • Daone
    • 10 år siden

    how do I send you an attachment I need to show you a few changes on the interface and all is done can you get back to me ASAP how I can send you an attachment?

    • 10 år siden
  • Daone
    • 10 år siden

    I like everything on your design only a few change I would ask are the logo currently it's a bit plain the second thing is to have the option of different colours.

    • 10 år siden