Freelancer: suyog2703
Anmeld Indlæg


i would strongly recommend a bold font as in this logo plus the concept of map location in P included in the word to help clear identity. will be happy to make any minor changes after its selected. thank you for your response..

Konkurrenceindlæg #44 for                                                 Design a Logo for A New Startup

Offentlig Præciserings Opslagstavle

  • suyog2703
    • 8 år siden

    thanx a lot.. i will be happy to upload the final version as soon as you choose the winning entry...

    • 8 år siden
  • FrostCreative
    • 8 år siden

    I think you've got the win, I love how this icon looks it will look great for the app icon, overall I think this is the one. No effect on the "O" though.

    • 8 år siden