Freelancer: MrRifat
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Updated 3D modeling/rendering of building facade

Hi, Here is my updated entry is. I tried to do my best. I believe that these updated images will be more cost less than before. I tried to make the materials cost less but keep the beautiful looking as much as possible on my part. So now you can art review your self. And if you have any issues there feel free to tell me. Comment always welcome I'm always ready for that. Thanks.

Konkurrenceindlæg #10 for                                                 3D modeling/rendering of building facade by using 3ds Max to create new color design scheme

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  • MrRifat
    • 5 år siden

    Thanks. I tried my best.

    • 5 år siden
  • fadhelma
    • 5 år siden

    still the colors are not looking good.

    • 5 år siden
  • fadhelma
    • 5 år siden

    I like these designs less than the previous job.

    • 5 år siden